Pedal power: Hundreds of cyclists taking part in a 16km ride organised as part of the Earth Hour programmes in Kota Kinabalu. Photo: The Star
KOTA KINABALU, Mar 30, 2014: The state capital is moving towards becoming more energy efficient by switching to light emitting diodes (LEDs) for its street lights.
The city had so far installed 360 LED lights at the recently opened bicycle and pedestrian lane at the scenic Likas Bay area, said mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir.
Another 76 street lights had also been installed at the city’s central business district and 30 more at other parts here, said Abidin at an Earth Hour gathering at the Tanjung Aru beach late Saturday.
City Hall had also built 55 bus and taxi stops that were lit using solar energy.
The Chief Minister’s Assistant Minister Datuk Edward Yong, who launched the Earth Hour event, said the move to encourage people to switch off non-essential lights and appliances for an hour during Earth Hour was not so much to conserve energy.
“This is aimed more at creating awareness on the importance of conserving energy,” he added.
Yong and Abidin later lit dozens of recycled candles that spelt out MH370 on the beach to remember the passengers and crew of the flight, which is believed to have ended in the southern Indian Ocean.
Yong and Abidin then led more than 300 people for the Earth Hour Walk from the beach to the nearby Prince Philip park.
Meanwhile, various businesses including malls and hotels took part in the Earth Hour initiative by switching off non-essential lights between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on Saturday.
More than 300 cyclists participated in a 16km ride organised by Hyatt Regency Kinabalu hotel.
The participants aged between three and 66 years were flagged off from the hotel at the city’s downtown area.
The looped course took participants to the Tanjung Lipat area before ending at the starting point.
source: The Star
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